Category Archives: Uncategorized

WOrld Environment Day additions

Just added 2 family farm snapshots  that show growing food as examples of part of WED 2015 theme “consume with care” onto the snapshots webpage :

from Samoa- “Growing food as a family for our family”  as Sa’anuapuSamoa.pdf

and Kenya – “Married to my food forest.” as  Foodforest-Kenya.pdf

and some curriculum links  in the WED 4teachers page.

Of course they can be used at any time. Great stories to inspire you!

Samoa family farm added

Growing food as a family for my family in Sa’anapu Uta on Upolu in Samoa has been added to the Family Farm Snapshots – contributing also to the IY Soils and this year’s World Environment Day, Consume with Care theme.

2015 updates from IY familyfarm snapshots for the IY Soils

Family farm snapshots will continue into 2015, aiming to double in size and have snapshots from many more countries. Soils were already a part of Snapshots under descriptions of the environment and caring for the earth. So this project/ educational resource has a natural progression from the 2014 IY Family Farming to contribute to raising awareness of the importance of soils for this 2015 IY Soils.

Can you help provide your family farming experience or someone else’s? If you can, please leave  me a quick note about your family farm as a comment . This is a volunteer project so spammers are NOT appreciated for wasting my time, so don’t waste yours spamming me about holidays, games, real estate etc. Thankyou.


Tyon Koute, alpino-permaculture, in the Savoie, on snapshot page in francais and English

29th snapshot and last for 2014, published at the snapshots page

Permaculture in the mountains. Restoring lost farmlands. Habitat for native plants and creatures. Lots of research.

et en francais

Talofa Samoa

Blessed by rain and warmth, family farming in Samoa is a way of life. This snapshot comes from a certified organic family farm producing many foods, especially island staples.

Pour l’AIAF – Nourrir le Monde, Soigner la Planète – labeur montagnard et gardiens de leur terre en Savioe

J’ai le grand plaisir de vous présenter la première ‘snapshot’ en français pour l’AIAF.

Il s’agit une bonne ferme familiale dans la jolie Savoie en France. Là, on restore la terre, les plantes et quelques animaux, and utilise les practiques de l’alpino-permaculture pour produire la nourriture de leur jardin.

Pour lire ce snapshot et voir beaucoup de jolies photos, cliquez sur ce lien pour un pdf de 1.9MB

Urban family farming- backyard/kitchen gardening

Three snapshots have been added on urban family farms (backyard/kitchen gardens) this month to this IY family farming collection .
Size doesn’t matter, it’s the attitude to growing some of your own food.  Enjoy:mintleaf

the aroma of mint-tubs-horsham

gardenthe diversity of over 30 different fruits, vegetables and herbs grown in a large backyard garden last season in treedhouse-GlenWaverley

Donna brown chook weband the motivation of  3hens&foodplants-Dimboola raising 3 hens for eggs along with growing vegetables and herbs in tubs, and fruit trees. 

I’m looking for more first hand experiences of urban family farmers, regardless of size, and to show ethnic influences in food gardens and a variety of farming/gardening methods and from as many different places as possible.

If you can contribute, please use the guidelines pdf on the JOIN US page of this website and send information as soon as possible  – this is a 2014 IYFF project.